Parents, in fact, are responsible for making sure their children's teeth are clean until the child reaches five to six years of age! This is because, on average, younger children do not have the manual dexterity required to brush teeth effectively.
Why should you go to great lengths to brush your child's teeth? The most important reason is that tooth decay occurs faster in children than in adults. By brushing your child's teeth, you remove the plaque bacteria which are responsible for this tooth decay.
Despite the protests and the fight your child may give you, it is extremely important that you brush their teeth to reduce the amount of placque causing bacteria in their mouths. Another reason to help your child learn to brush is that this helps them develop a crucial habit which will last a lifetime.
3 years old activity
Children's Teeth
Every parent wants a healthy baby, But?
When a healthy baby gets sick, there's no reason to panic, but occasional infections and fevers are inevitable. Even parents who have plenty of experience with sick babies can have a tough time distinguishing normal fussiness and mild illnesses from more serious problems.
Trust your instincts. If you think you should call the doctor, go ahead. After hours, you may be able to call a 24-hour nurse line offered through the doctor's office, clinic or your health insurance company.
An occasional illness is usually nothing to worry about in an otherwise healthy baby — but sometimes it's best to contact the doctor. Look for these signs and symptoms:
* Changes in appetite. If your baby refuses several feedings in a row or eats poorly, contact the doctor.
* Changes in mood. If your baby is lethargic or unusually difficult to rouse, tell the doctor right away. Also let the doctor know if your baby is persistently irritable or has inconsolable crying jags.
* Tender navel or penis. Contact the doctor if your baby's umbilical area or penis suddenly becomes red or starts to ooze or bleed.
* Fever. Mild fevers are common and usually harmless, but keep an eye on the thermometer. If your baby is younger than age 3 months, contact the doctor for any fever. If your baby is age 3 months or older and has an oral temperature lower than 102 F (38.9 C), encourage rest and offer plenty of fluids. Call the doctor if your baby seems unusually irritable, lethargic or uncomfortable. If your baby has an oral temperature of 102 F (38.9 C) or higher, give your baby acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Call the doctor if the fever doesn't respond to the medication or lasts longer than one day.
* Diarrhea. Contact the doctor if your baby's stools are especially loose or watery.
* Vomiting. Occasional spitting up is normal. Contact the doctor if your baby spits up large portions of multiple feedings or vomits forcefully after feedings.
* Dehydration. Contact the doctor if your baby doesn't wet a diaper for six hours or longer or if the soft spot on top of your baby's head seems to sink. Crying without tears or a dry mouth without saliva also warrants a prompt call to the doctor.
* Constipation. If your baby has fewer bowel movements than usual for a few days, contact the doctor.
* Colds. Contact the doctor if your baby has a cold that interferes with his or her breathing, produces thick nasal discharge that's yellow, green or gray, or is accompanied by severe coughing.
* Ear trouble. Contact the doctor if your baby doesn't respond normally to sounds or has fluid draining from his or her ears.
* Rash. Contact the doctor if a rash covers a large area, appears infected or if your baby suddenly develops an unexplained rash — especially if the rash is accompanied by a fever.
* Eye discharge. If one or both eyes are pink, red or leaking mucus, contact the doctor.
Is your baby not eating well? Find out why
Is your baby not eating well? Do you have to struggle to make your child eat? Find out how you can handle this problem and share your experience with other parents. Scroll down to let us know your story.
Hunger is a natural instinct and every child is born with an appetite, which is sufficient to take care of his/her needs. When an adult feels hungry he eats as much as he wants. Let us try to understand why a child won't eat even though he/she is healthy as all mothers complain.
There are two aspects of feeding a child. One is nutritional and the other emotional and both are equally important. The problem of food refusal usually starts around six months and reaches its peak at about one year.
Just for Mom....
My Baby is 1 Year Old!
- Take time to pull out the photo albums and review the miraculous changes you've witnessed in your baby this past year. Incredible! Most important, revel in all baby can do as she celebrates her first year. Baby has a delightful sense of humor, and she takes great pleasure in teasing you. She loves to express affection, and she's most likely has mastered the art of hugging and kissing. What a great year it's been -- and what an amazing adventure your family has ahead of you.
- Milestones this month:
Your baby now drinks from a cup without assistance.
She can stand alone for several minutes.
Baby walks well (keep in mind that good crawlers often are late walkers).
She waves good-bye and plays pat-a-cake.
Baby says "mama" and "papa."
She says other one-syllable words (like "hi").
Baby expresses her wants with gestures and words instead of cries.
She engages in gibberish conversation.
Baby responds to simple commands.
Label 1 year old activity
11 Month Activity
My Baby This Week
my baby now understands simple instructions, although you may still be ignored when you say "no." (To help the word carry a little more weight, use it sparingly, for setting important limits.)
Even though your baby may not always remember tomorrow what you've said today, it's not too soon to set certain boundaries and start teaching some important distinctions, like right from wrong and safe from unsafe.
Solid Foods for Your 10-12 Month old Baby - We know what we like and we want to feed ourselves!
Your 10-12 Month old baby has developed a few favorite foods by now. He may also have developed a preference for feeding himself and a distaste for thin runny purees.
As we note in our Is my Baby a Picky Eater page, your baby may suddenly begin to refuse to eat. She's simply too busy to stop exploring her world and she may get quite miffed when you put her in her highchair to eat. With her independence growing, she may also begin to show preferences for certain foods and Refuse to be Spoon Fed. Take heart - this stage of baby feeding, while quite challanging, will soon pass. Let your baby be your guide and try not to get frustrated. It's important for baby to decide the foods she wants to eat. Before you know it, your baby will be eating all the adult foods and enjoying adult meals.
As with your 8-10 month old, continue to expand baby's palate with new flavors. Experiment with new spices (8 months old) and new flavorful combinations. Offer your little foodie a yummy chicken curry for example.
Pasta, veggies, and fruit should all be soft cooked and possibly mashed with a fork or masher. (Bananas need only be mashed.)
Meats and proteins such as egg yolk, should be cooked and pureed or chopped into small soft bits. If offering Tofu, you need not cook it first.
Remember, baby will not have molars until sometime around the 12-18 month age range. Foods should be easily mashed between the gums.
Baby Growth
Read More......
babies often bite on 10 month 2 weeks
Play it cool: Hard as it may be, try not to shriek loudly, a response your baby might find interesting and then try to re-create by biting again. Babies this age won't understand too much discipline, so use simple statements and actions. Try a simple "No!" or "Ow!" and a firm "No biting" or "That hurts Mommy." Then show your disapproval by physically separating yourself briefly from your baby. If your baby bites someone else, don't pick her up -- pay attention to the bitten person instead. Ignoring your Baby
My baby is mastering motor control — both "gross" (or large) motor skills, like crawling and standing, and "fine" motor skills,
, and food that falls to the ground are all potential problems. Consider vacuuming more often at this stag
Baby Growth
Read More......
10 Month, She will be more spoiled
hi... It's My Picture with My Lovely Mom, I'm 10 months now. Valerie will be a new start to understand many words and phrases, such as day-to-day before he was able to understand a few words,
ooh who will be called first? MOM OR DADDY ? Read More......
Label 10 month, Valerie Talk
You Know Valerie Tommorow 10 MONTH
tomorrow on 04 May 2009 Valerie has been 10 months.
Now I want to prepare food for 10 months.
food that may have been a bit rough at the age introduced the ability to chew and teeth develop. If Valerie is receiving food, I will give a small piece of food, such as biscuits are not sweet biscuits or similar krekers (not salted)
I will also provide a piece of cooked bananas, oranges (with the husk removed) this is a good food.
But it must be remembered, do not you leave the baby alone to eat,
Label 10 month, Suggested, Valerie Talk
My Baby Crawling
Label 9 month, News, Suggested, Valerie Talk
Organic Baby Products
Personal care products that are organic like lotions, diaper creams, soaps, body washes, shampoos, oils, and powders are friendly and gentle to your baby's skin to avoid allergies. They usually contain ingredients like natural oils from vegetables and natural butters. Finally, clothes can be made with 100% pure cotton that is grown organically. Some manufacturers also combine cotton with other natural fibers like bamboo, soy, wool, and hemp.
Baby Growth
Label Suggested, Valerie Talk
Valerie now 9 month old
R. I. P
Label Valerie Talk
A Simple 2-Step Plan To Beat The Biggest Baby Growth And Development Problem
By Dalene Joubert.
Let's go ahead and first look how a lack of a clear route troubles parents.
Many parents instinctively know that babies eventually grow up and learn to crawl and walk.
Most parents are totally unaware of all the clear signs along the baby growth and development route.
One of the easiest and best ways to follow your infant's development route, is by following the "baby milestones" -or simply milestones.Merely knowing which milestones to look for goes a very long way towards helping parents to measure their baby's development.
Baby growth and development is more than merely following a specific route. Most parents are unaware that there's a schedule to mastering the milestones. Years' research and observations have proven remedial actions to get baby development back on track should it be too slow. Most parents allow too little time for any remedial actions to take effect and correct development problems.This only leads to disappointment, more stress and worries... and a persisting baby development problem.So, how do we overcome our baby growth and development worries?Here's a 2-Step Plan to beat the most common baby growth and development problems:However simple these 2 baby growth and development tips may be, they work. Read More......
Step 1: Learn the major baby milestones and the accompanying skills your infant must master
Step 2: Learn the schedule for reaching these milestones - when must it be mastered?
Your 7-month-old: Week 2
By now, you may have already told your baby that the telephone isn't a toy, or that rattles aren't for throwing, or that her sister's hair isn't for pulling. At this age, your baby may begin testing your authority by refusing to follow your simple directions. She's not really being disobedient or willful — just curious.
Being responsible for a tiny creature 24/7 or rushing from work to baby can be rattling. A few midway-through-the-first-year reminders:
Stay healthy. Don't skimp on your own nutrition — whether or not you've lost your pregnancy weight. Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Their stimulating and calming effects are only temporary and wind up making you feel worse later. Do some moderate exercise several times a week, even if it's just walking after parking your car a little farther from work.
Allow yourself plenty of sleep, including naps if possible. And wash your hands a lot and avoid touching your eyes to prevent catching a cold, especially if your baby has much contact with other children.
Get out. Enjoy some fresh air by taking a walk or gardening. Your baby is still small and portable, so take advantage of this before she's a toddler on the go. Venture out on your own, too: Arrange an excursion with a friend or your partner for a little adult conversation, or treat yourself to another activity you miss.
Pamper yourself. Splurge on a massage, a facial, a manicure, or whatever makes you feel special. A nice long bath can do wonders, too.
Get centered. Consider yoga, a stretching class, deep breathing, or other relaxation exercises.Read More......
Your 7-month-old's
Your baby now actively engages in hiding games. Place one of his favorite toys on the floor and cover it with a napkin. Pull the napkin off and say, "There it is!" Cover it again and repeat.
For more fun, hide an object under something and wait for him to discover it. It's one of the easiest ways to keep your baby occupied!
Your baby can remember that the jack-in-the-box pops up at the end of the song — yet he'll still laugh every time. He's also able to recognize different tones and inflections and may burst into tears if you speak harshly.
Because he likes predictability, your baby enjoys playing the same game or reading the same book over and over. In addition to patty-cake, try adding classics such as "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "This Little Piggy" to your repertoire. Read More......
Label 7 month
baby 7 Month
Learning to grab
Your baby's fine motor skills are coming along, too. By now she can probably scoop things up with just one little hand and transfer them from one hand to the other fairly easily. She may also be able to clasp her hands together and sip from a two-handled cup (with your assistance). Before long you'll probably notice the noise level increasing, not only because of your baby's babble, but also because she'll find out how much fun it is to bang objects together.
To encourage fine motor activity, place a toy
While your baby may already have begun teething (the average age is five or six months, though it can start as early as three months or as late as 12 months), about now you can expect to see the two upper central incisors, then the two lateral incisors. Don't be alarmed if your baby has gaps between some of her teeth; teeth often come through the gums at odd angles, and any spaces commonly disappear after all 20 baby teeth have broken through. Once your baby starts teething, you can expect more drooling and experimenting with sounds as she adjusts to having these strange new things in her mouth. Read More......
Milk Samples
Two 25ml samples of human breast milk pumped from the same woman, at the same time to illustrate what human breast milk looks like, and how human breast milk can vary. The left hand sample is Foremilk. Foremilk has a higher water content and a lower fat content to satisfy thirst. The right hand sample is Hindmilk. Hindmilk has a lower water content and a higher fat content to satisfy hunger. Although the names may suggest otherwise, hindmilk and foremilk do not flow one after the other respectively. As breastmilk is made continuously including and during the feed itself, the milk is constantly switching between Foremilk and Hindmilk until the baby has had enough
Exclusive breastfeeding
Breast milk refers to the milk produced by a mother to feed her baby. Breastfeeding also provides health benefits for the mother. It assist the uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy size and reduces post-partum bleeding as well as assisting the mother to return to her pre-pregnancy weight. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of breast cancer later in life.
Breast milk refers to the milk produced by a mother to feed her baby. It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to eat and digest other foods; older infants and toddlers may continue to be breastfed. The baby nursing from its own mother is the most ordinary way of obtaining breastmilk, but the milk can be pumped and then fed by baby bottle, cup and/or spoon, supplementation drip system, and nasogastric tube. Breastmilk can be supplied by a woman other than the baby's mother; this is known as wetnursing.
The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding until six months of age, with solids being introduced at this age. Breastfeeding is recommended for at least twelve months and can continue as long as mother and child wish. Breastfeeding continues to offer health benefits into and after toddlerhood. These benefits include; reduced risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome , increased intelligence, reduced likelihood of contracting middle ear infections and cold and flu bugs, reduced risk of some cancers such as childhood leukemia, lower risk of childhood onset diabetes, reduced risk of asthma and eczema, fewer dental problems, and reduced risk of obesity later in life. Read More......
Breast Milk
Not all the properties of breast milk are understood, but its nutrient content is relatively stable. Breast milk is made from the nutrients in the bloodstream and bodily stores. Breastfeeding uses an average of 500 calories per day and helps the mother lose weight after giving birth. The composition of breast milk changes depending on how long the baby nurses at each session, as well as on the age of the child.
Research shows that the milk and energy content of breastmilk actually decreases after the first year. Breastmilk adapts to a toddler's developing system, providing exactly the right amount of nutrition at exactly the right time. In fact, research shows that between the ages of 12 and 24 months, 448 milliliters of human milk provide these percentages of the following minimum daily requirements:*Energy: 29%
*Folate: 76%
*Protein: 43%
*Vitamin B12: 94%
*Calcium: 36%
*Vitamin C: 60%
*Vitamin A: 75%
The quality of a mother's breast milk may be compromised by stress, bad food habits, chronic illnesses, smoking, and drinking.
Skin care
Baby’s have very sensitive skin. It’s not necessary for you to use shampoos, powders, oils, baby wipes soaps etc. All you need for your baby to be clean and have healthy skin is;
* Water
* Sorbolene and glycerine cream
* Zinc and castor oil cream for nappy changes
Use sorbolene and glycerine for bathing, instead of soap. You can also use sorbolene for yourself instead of using soaps and shower gels.
Common skin problems in babies and young children include:
*Cradle Cap
*Nappy-RashRead More......
Preventing Nappy Rash
To avoid nappy rashes change your baby’s nappy as soon as you notice it is wet or soiled. Use nappy rash treatment cream to avoid possible nappy rashes. You can use cornstarch powder to absorb moisture, but you will notice when you change the nappy the next time it will be clogged in the crotch.
Clean boys from front to back without pulling back the foreskin. Do make sure that you dry the area well, especially between the folds of skin.
Girls should be cleaned from front to back too with cotton balls and some lotion or baby soap. A popular cleaning solution is to use baby wipes, which saves you time especially when you’re on the go. Read More......
Label skin problems
Cradle Cap
A cradle cap looks like a very bad case of dandruff. It is a build up of natural oils and dry scaly skin, which can form a yellowish brown crust on baby’s head, eyebrows or behind the ears. It can also appear on the nappy area. It may not be a good sight for you to see your baby with a cradle cap, but there’s nothing to worry about as it is quite common.
Cradle cap is thought to be result of hormonal changes which stimulate secretions from the oil glands in the skin. It usually disappears within a few days using natural treatment, but still can recur.
What to do about it?
* To remove the crusts, massage sorbolene cream or mild baby oil into the affected area 2-3 time daily.
* Leave it on overnight, and wash off at bathtime the next day with a special hypoallergenic shampoo such as Infaderm. Some doctors’ recommend leaving it on for 20 minutes.
* Massage the scalp with a facewasher, soft baby toothbrush or baby brush to lift off the crusts. DO NOT use your nails to pick off the crusts.
* Repeat this procedure everyday until it clears.
How to prevent it?
Wash and massage your baby’s scalp and gently brush their head (even if they don’t have hair) every day.Read More......
Label skin problems
Eczema is a skin irritation that appears as patches of dry, red scaly skin which may become moist. It usually appears on baby’s face, behind the ears, around their neck, behind their knees and on the inside of elbows.
Eczema can aggravate for the following causes:
* Could be in your family history
* Certain foods can provoke attacks in infants
* Rough, scratchy tight clothes, woollens and synthetics
* Everyday use of strong soaps for bathing
* Frequent use of strong detergents for washing clothes
* Perfumed cream an lotions
* Dust (keep your house and carpet clean)
* Overheating.
What to do about it?
* Your baby’s skin is very sensitive, so dress baby in soft, light, loose and smooth cotton clothes, but make sure you don’t overdress her.
* Bath your baby in lukewarm water and avoid soaps and cleansing lotions. Use sorbolene for bathtime and nappy changes.
* Put mittens on baby’s hands to stop them from scratching
* Avoid using fabric softeners or wool mix; just use pure soap to wash bab y’s clothes.
* Place a cotton sheet on the floor before you put baby down, do not put her on the carpet. Also vacuum the house regularly.
* Avoid dairy foods, eggs, fish, wheat, peanuts and citrus fruit.Read More......
Label skin problems
A doctor in the U.S. succeeded in removing the tumor form of discounts feet, hands, brain and thigh of a new baby aged three days. This operation is done by children nerve surgeon, Dr. Paul Grabb, in Colorado, U.S., against Sam Esquibel after the MRI scan results show there is a tumor in the brain mikroskopik baby is.
The findings in the brain in male infants is relatively healthy this rarely heard before and will again remind the Greek mythological god of the highest birth to Zeus's daughter eyebrow. Dr. Grabb running operation in the Memorial Hospital for Children, Colorado Springs, claim to have found a snippet of the foot to grow almost perfectly with the five-finger discount, together with one other leg, a hand, and a thigh.
"As the issue in a baby's brain," Grabb said. "The body of the snippet that is almost perfect growing quite unique, strange, and never heard before," he said.
Grabb not know exactly how the discount body can grow in the brain. However, the surgeon is the child's nerve discount the possibility the body as a type of brain tumor derived.
"The growth of the tumor can be entered in the case of fetus in fetu or a baby in the baby, but this case is very rare in the brain," Grabb said.
Parents, Sam, and Tiffnie Manuel Esquibel, explains, their son is now undergoing treatment at home. In addition to physical therapy to restore the function of organs neck, Sam still undergo monthly blood checks to make sure there are no symptoms or cancer or tumor re-growth.
However, Tiffnie and explains Manuel Esquibel, baby men they had almost fully recover after undergoing surgery on October 3. "You will not know if the operation scar in the head of my baby," said Esquibel explained Tiffnie cure her son.
published by:http://www.kompas.comRead More......
Valerie Talk
hallo friends, how are you all? now I am sick, my parents always added something to ease my pain. This is my first sick since I was born. how to with my friends? would like to share with me? you can write in my comment. I wait?Read More......
Label Valerie Talk
Introduce food assistants
After 6 months, the nutritional needs of small is no longer enough just to be with breastfeeding. Time to provide a more solid food on it.Read More......
My solid food should not be before the age of 6 months. In addition to exclusive breastfeeding, alimentary tract has not been able to absorb the baby solid food and absorb vitamin complex. Food is not digested kidney would make the baby that is not yet mature.
At the age of 6 months, the channel already cooked food, ability to swallow the baby is mature, he can sit down, the small teeth are almost grown. Besides, the baby has also lost reflex stick tongue. To find out, try enter the food with your thumb. When he opens his mouth, that means he is ready to get food.
I suggested as much, hopefully this is a useful for you. because I always write based on facts.
benefits of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding the closeness and emotional MOTHER and CHILD.
A hormone released during breastfeeding improve maternal instinct of the new MOTHER so he can easily establish emotional closeness with the baby. Mother and child relationship itself is very important to prevent the occurrence of depression, post-childbirth. Breastfeeding can also help delay the pregnancy in the early period after birth.
Reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
breastfeeding may help to increase bone mass and reduce the risk of hip fracture in the elderly
Reduce stress and the risk of bleeding.
Breastfeeding the baby, we can reduce stress. because it can stimulate oksitosin release hormone in the body. So, you also feel more Relax while breastfeeding. Oksitosin this also helps to restore the size of the uterus, so that it can reduce the bleeding after rebornRead More......
benefits of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding to protect the baby from Obesity.
Breastfeeding to protect the baby from Obesity Pig-feed the baby can be protected from heart disease, Hypertension, and Diabetes.
Infants who breastfeed also protect infants from infection attacks. Breastfeeding a baby who rarely fell ill more ear infections, respiratory infections, bladder channel interference as compared to babies who are given formula milk.
Can help reduce weight
Breastfeeding can help you lose weight. for the breastfeeding mother can consume about 500 calories that can help you lose weight more quickly.Read More......
If the baby is fussy.
one of the problems that often occur by the parents of the baby is small at the fuss will be sleeping. without stopping to cry and be appeased hard to make you run out of subterfuge to lull the baby.
Hunger is one of the causes of why the baby is often awakened midnight. create a small stomach that he needs fed often enough, even though at the time of the night. The problem may be completed if the baby is fed back asleep.if the baby is fussy.
one of the problems that often occur by the parents of the baby is small at the fuss will be sleeping. without stopping to cry and be appeased hard to make you run out of subterfuge to lull the baby.
Hunger is one of the causes of why the baby is often awakened midnight. create a small stomach that he needs fed often enough, even though at the time of the night. The problem may be completed if the baby is fed back asleep
When that happens on our baby, try a search for possible causes other than hunger. It is important, do not let him cry too long, especially if it is because the baby hungry. Also make sure that all equipment such as nappies, wet tissue and the other is in a place that is easily affordable. In addition, the room lights should also be dimmed and slowly sound when you speak.
if we have the baby rather quiet and comfortable with the start suckle, don't play. you Better for the Baby for sleep again soon after breastfeeding the baby. Read More......
Solid food
Solid food should not be before the age of 6 months. In addition to providing opportunities exclusive breastfeeding, infant alimentary tract has not been able to digest solid food and absorb vitamin complex. Food is not digested would aggravate kidney babies who have not yet matured. At the age of 6 months, the channel digestion already mature, the ability to swallow already matured.
You better make your own food for your Baby. In addition you can ensure the cleanliness, safety, and quality of food consumed by your baby. You can make healthy food does not contain a brace sense, and does not contain much sugar and salt. Additional materials that may have the instant baby food you can avoid.Read More......
Valerie fruits
Valerie now have to add the portion of food, Valerie meals 3 times a day plus Fruits on 10 am.
Valerie fruits are:
1. avocado
2. banana
3. apples
4. papaya.
all fruits you must be boiled first and blender.
Label Foods for 6 month
Additional food
Once your Baby is past 6 months old, milk alone is just not enough. Your baby needs solid food. In fact, between the ages of 4 to 6 months, babies should start getting used to eating solid foods.
Start with a taste of baby food. Just 1 teaspoon in the beginning. Some babies might love these new tastes while other babies may hate it.
Don't fret if your baby refuses these new foods. You could coax baby by adding a little milk to the baby food, so that baby is assured by the familiar taste. For a breastfed baby, add a little breast milk. For a formula fed baby, add a little formula milk to the baby food.
What you feed baby at this tender age makes a difference to his or her future tastes. Give baby greens at this young age so he or she would grow to love veggies.
Sounds far fetched?
With my kids, that is exactly what happened.
I was on a health food craze and bought plenty of brocolli baby food for them when they were babies. I practically weaned them onto broccoli.
Fast forward to today. My son aged 6, insist that every meal we have at home must include a plate of broccoli.where kids are notorious for not touching their veggies, grabbing the broccoli, eyeing what is left on the plate and once we are off guard, he would grab the entire plate of broccoli and dump everything on his plate and finish it off. That usually means there wouldn't be any broccoli left for us grown ups.
This is the time to get baby to eat and to appreciate carrots, spinach as well as the usual meats that your family might eat. Tofu would be a great food to introduce to baby as it is soft and very healthy. As baby gets older, a healthy porridge full of veggies and proteins would be really good.Read More......
Make wholesome foods and fruits
1) Brown Rice Milk Porridge with Apple Sauce | Ingredients:
How to make Brown Rice Milk Porridge:
| How to make Apple sauce:
2) Healthy Veggie Porridge
- a few vegetables like carrot, pumpkin, potato
- 120ml infant milk
How to make:
- Cook carrot, pumpkin, potato, with a little water
- Sieve it till soft
- Pour milk and stir.
3) Banana Milk Shake
- Ingredients:
- 120ml infant milk
- 1/2 banana
- Pour banana and milk into blender
- Pour into glass and serve
How to make:
Label Foods for 6 month
Suggested Daily MILK and weight the Baby:
0-3 Month of age: Breastfeed every 1-3 hours weight 3.2 kg - 7.5 kg
4-5 Month of age: Breastfeed every 2-4 hours weight 5.1 kg - 8.2 kg
6-8 Month of age: Breastfeed every 3-4 hours weight 5.8 kg - 10.0 kg
9-12 Month of age: Breastfeed every 4-5 hours weight 6.5 kg - 11.3 kg
Read More......It's me
Lay in a bed with my yellow blanket....
hello today im 6 month old... but my mom still gave me a breast milk as medicine.
Because breast milk is sterile and has Bacterial and Antiviral properties that make it a good treatment for minor Ailments.
now my mom starting to give me a food and fruits.
Label Valerie Talk