3 years old activity
aLmost 2 years Activity
Children's Teeth
Parents, in fact, are responsible for making sure their children's teeth are clean until the child reaches five to six years of age! This is because, on average, younger children do not have the manual dexterity required to brush teeth effectively.
Why should you go to great lengths to brush your child's teeth? The most important reason is that tooth decay occurs faster in children than in adults. By brushing your child's teeth, you remove the plaque bacteria which are responsible for this tooth decay.
Despite the protests and the fight your child may give you, it is extremely important that you brush their teeth to reduce the amount of placque causing bacteria in their mouths. Another reason to help your child learn to brush is that this helps them develop a crucial habit which will last a lifetime.
Every parent wants a healthy baby, But?
When a healthy baby gets sick, there's no reason to panic, but occasional infections and fevers are inevitable. Even parents who have plenty of experience with sick babies can have a tough time distinguishing normal fussiness and mild illnesses from more serious problems.
Trust your instincts. If you think you should call the doctor, go ahead. After hours, you may be able to call a 24-hour nurse line offered through the doctor's office, clinic or your health insurance company.
An occasional illness is usually nothing to worry about in an otherwise healthy baby — but sometimes it's best to contact the doctor. Look for these signs and symptoms:
* Changes in appetite. If your baby refuses several feedings in a row or eats poorly, contact the doctor.
* Changes in mood. If your baby is lethargic or unusually difficult to rouse, tell the doctor right away. Also let the doctor know if your baby is persistently irritable or has inconsolable crying jags.
* Tender navel or penis. Contact the doctor if your baby's umbilical area or penis suddenly becomes red or starts to ooze or bleed.
* Fever. Mild fevers are common and usually harmless, but keep an eye on the thermometer. If your baby is younger than age 3 months, contact the doctor for any fever. If your baby is age 3 months or older and has an oral temperature lower than 102 F (38.9 C), encourage rest and offer plenty of fluids. Call the doctor if your baby seems unusually irritable, lethargic or uncomfortable. If your baby has an oral temperature of 102 F (38.9 C) or higher, give your baby acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Call the doctor if the fever doesn't respond to the medication or lasts longer than one day.
* Diarrhea. Contact the doctor if your baby's stools are especially loose or watery.
* Vomiting. Occasional spitting up is normal. Contact the doctor if your baby spits up large portions of multiple feedings or vomits forcefully after feedings.
* Dehydration. Contact the doctor if your baby doesn't wet a diaper for six hours or longer or if the soft spot on top of your baby's head seems to sink. Crying without tears or a dry mouth without saliva also warrants a prompt call to the doctor.
* Constipation. If your baby has fewer bowel movements than usual for a few days, contact the doctor.
* Colds. Contact the doctor if your baby has a cold that interferes with his or her breathing, produces thick nasal discharge that's yellow, green or gray, or is accompanied by severe coughing.
* Ear trouble. Contact the doctor if your baby doesn't respond normally to sounds or has fluid draining from his or her ears.
* Rash. Contact the doctor if a rash covers a large area, appears infected or if your baby suddenly develops an unexplained rash — especially if the rash is accompanied by a fever.
* Eye discharge. If one or both eyes are pink, red or leaking mucus, contact the doctor.
Is your baby not eating well? Find out why
Is your baby not eating well? Do you have to struggle to make your child eat? Find out how you can handle this problem and share your experience with other parents. Scroll down to let us know your story.
Hunger is a natural instinct and every child is born with an appetite, which is sufficient to take care of his/her needs. When an adult feels hungry he eats as much as he wants. Let us try to understand why a child won't eat even though he/she is healthy as all mothers complain.
There are two aspects of feeding a child. One is nutritional and the other emotional and both are equally important. The problem of food refusal usually starts around six months and reaches its peak at about one year.
Just for Mom....
My Baby is 1 Year Old!
- Take time to pull out the photo albums and review the miraculous changes you've witnessed in your baby this past year. Incredible! Most important, revel in all baby can do as she celebrates her first year. Baby has a delightful sense of humor, and she takes great pleasure in teasing you. She loves to express affection, and she's most likely has mastered the art of hugging and kissing. What a great year it's been -- and what an amazing adventure your family has ahead of you.
- Milestones this month:
Your baby now drinks from a cup without assistance.
She can stand alone for several minutes.
Baby walks well (keep in mind that good crawlers often are late walkers).
She waves good-bye and plays pat-a-cake.
Baby says "mama" and "papa."
She says other one-syllable words (like "hi").
Baby expresses her wants with gestures and words instead of cries.
She engages in gibberish conversation.
Baby responds to simple commands.
Label 1 year old activity
11 Month Activity
My Baby This Week
my baby now understands simple instructions, although you may still be ignored when you say "no." (To help the word carry a little more weight, use it sparingly, for setting important limits.)
Even though your baby may not always remember tomorrow what you've said today, it's not too soon to set certain boundaries and start teaching some important distinctions, like right from wrong and safe from unsafe.
Solid Foods for Your 10-12 Month old Baby - We know what we like and we want to feed ourselves!
Your 10-12 Month old baby has developed a few favorite foods by now. He may also have developed a preference for feeding himself and a distaste for thin runny purees.
As we note in our Is my Baby a Picky Eater page, your baby may suddenly begin to refuse to eat. She's simply too busy to stop exploring her world and she may get quite miffed when you put her in her highchair to eat. With her independence growing, she may also begin to show preferences for certain foods and Refuse to be Spoon Fed. Take heart - this stage of baby feeding, while quite challanging, will soon pass. Let your baby be your guide and try not to get frustrated. It's important for baby to decide the foods she wants to eat. Before you know it, your baby will be eating all the adult foods and enjoying adult meals.
As with your 8-10 month old, continue to expand baby's palate with new flavors. Experiment with new spices (8 months old) and new flavorful combinations. Offer your little foodie a yummy chicken curry for example.
Pasta, veggies, and fruit should all be soft cooked and possibly mashed with a fork or masher. (Bananas need only be mashed.)
Meats and proteins such as egg yolk, should be cooked and pureed or chopped into small soft bits. If offering Tofu, you need not cook it first.
Remember, baby will not have molars until sometime around the 12-18 month age range. Foods should be easily mashed between the gums.
Baby Growth
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babies often bite on 10 month 2 weeks
Play it cool: Hard as it may be, try not to shriek loudly, a response your baby might find interesting and then try to re-create by biting again. Babies this age won't understand too much discipline, so use simple statements and actions. Try a simple "No!" or "Ow!" and a firm "No biting" or "That hurts Mommy." Then show your disapproval by physically separating yourself briefly from your baby. If your baby bites someone else, don't pick her up -- pay attention to the bitten person instead. Ignoring your Baby
My baby is mastering motor control — both "gross" (or large) motor skills, like crawling and standing, and "fine" motor skills,
, and food that falls to the ground are all potential problems. Consider vacuuming more often at this stag
Baby Growth
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10 Month, She will be more spoiled
hi... It's My Picture with My Lovely Mom, I'm 10 months now. Valerie will be a new start to understand many words and phrases, such as day-to-day before he was able to understand a few words,
ooh who will be called first? MOM OR DADDY ? Read More......
Label 10 month, Valerie Talk