All your Baby Needed

3 years old activity

My Baby Crawling

Valerie is now smooth to crawl, now she will start by learning to balance on her hands and knees. Then she will know how to move forward and backward by pushing off with the knees. At the same time, it will strengthen the muscles that will enable My Baby to run.
My baby's personality is really emerging now. She may be very social, granting broad smiles to everyone she meets, or a little more shy, hiding her face when well-meaning strangers try to engage her. She'll gesture for your attention and may wave goodbye when she sees my head for the door. She's also developing a mind of her own, which you may run up against when you try to put her in her car seat or stroller.

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Organic Baby Products

Going organic for safety in baby care

Parents, consumers, and manufacturers of baby products are all growing concerned over the safety of infants and babies. You probably would not want to think of your baby eating or drinking chemicals and artificial ingredients and most importantly, you do not want to imagine your baby experiencing an allergic reaction caused by whatever is in what he is wearing. These problems can be caused by artificially-prepared items and organic baby products serve as a possible solution to these issues.

All natural with no additives

Organic baby products are created without the use of antibiotics, pesticides, additives, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, growth hormones, and other chemicals or man-made ingredients. These products are marked with a certification that proves that they are indeed free from those harmful ingredients. However, before you buy that first organic product for your baby, remember to be wary of how it is made and if the certification is indeed authentic.

Organic is better

There are childcare experts and physicians who believe that organic products are actually beneficial in aiding the development of your baby. Since a baby's immune system is still weak, you need to make sure that he is safe from toxins coming from his surrounding environment: the clothes he is wearing, the food he is eating, and the toys he is playing with. Organic products are known to be toxin-free and organic foods also contain essential nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that can aid in keeping your baby healthy. Organic clothes are hypo-allergenic, more durable, and softer because they are made from natural materials such as cotton.

Natural ingredients

Organic infant formulas for babies that cannot be breastfed are able to meet with their nutritional requirements through dairy milk and soy. Organic baby food like cereals, puréed food, snacks, and frozen food also have organic options available in the market nowadays. They usually contain whole grains and naturally-grown ingredients like fruits and vegetables.

Personal care products that are organic like lotions, diaper creams, soaps, body washes, shampoos, oils, and powders are friendly and gentle to your baby's skin to avoid allergies. They usually contain ingredients like natural oils from vegetables and natural butters. Finally, clothes can be made with 100% pure cotton that is grown organically. Some manufacturers also combine cotton with other natural fibers like bamboo, soy, wool, and hemp.

When the price is not right

Perhaps the only downside to organic baby products is that they are more expensive compared to ordinary ones. This makes them inaccessible to many parents and caregivers. So don't lose sleep over always buying organically if you simply cannot afford it. There are probably more important things to worry about! There are reasons why organic baby products are significantly pricier and among these include the costs of labor, the limited supplies that cannot meet with the high demand of consumers, the costs for getting a certification. But many parents are still inclined to agree that the price of organic products is well worth it if it means protecting their babies from being exposed to unsafe inorganic items.

Creating a safer environment for your baby
Baby Growth

Organic baby products are able to provide more safety for your baby so you can be confident that he or she will grow up well nourished and free from contaminants and toxic elements that may be detrimental to his or her health. Nowadays, you can find a lot of organic products meant especially for babies and they range from the basic necessities like milk formulas and baby food to wearables like clothes and diapers, personal care, and toys.

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Valerie now 9 month old

Many babies this age have begun to show signs of fear or shyness around strangers. Some even start withdrawing from familiar relatives and friends, and want to be close to no one but you. This phase can be so brief you barely notice it, or it may last for months, depending on your child's temperament.

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